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电话: +86 029-83151505
姓名: Emma
yalan textile group

  Xi’an Yarnou textile co.,Ltd as sub company of Shaanxi Yanlan Group company Co., Ltd. which is face to aboard marketing specially. Our business scope covers all hotel supplies. Yanlan Group Company was founded in 2002, located in the ancient city of Xi'an. We already have several sub companies such as Xi an Hongya Hotel Products Co., Ltd., Nantong Hongya Textile Co., Ltd. and Xi an Yalan Bedding Plants, specializing in the development, production and sale of bed linen and towels....

主要产品/业务: hotel bed linen,bedding textile

yalan textile group / 陕西 / RM 2706,BLOCK B,ZHENGXIN BUILDING,NO.5,GAOXIN 1 ROAD,XI&apos ( ) / 电话:+86 029-83151505

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